Ford's birthday was a good day. The staff broke the "no more than 2 visitors at the bedside at a time" and "no food or drink" rules for us. It was a downright hootenanny with 3 or 4 people at a time AND bottled water!
Ford unfortunately woke up rather fluid heavy so wasn't looking exactly his best for the party, but we got him into some clothes for the first time in 4 months and fluffed up his hair especially:

He got lots of presents:

Including lots of awesome homemade-ness:

We ate the hospital-made cake with surely needless punctuation that the child life department brought us:

Ford got to have cuddles with both Nana Rhonda and Grandma Corinne:

He enjoyed his birthday balloon:

Visits with friends:

And family:

And it was all made possible by having two of his/our favourite nurses, Lauren (left) during the day and Maryanne (right) in the evening:

Thank you so much for sharing photos of such a wonderful day! Ford looks so happy so have so many non-medical people around. He is getting so big (and I am not counting his puffed-up face) and his body looks so long in that last photo.
ReplyDeleteI agree the punctuation on the cake is kind of odd -- maybe the hospital thinks that Ford is just a nickname for something like Model T Ford or Henry Ford or Forditude (they can't spell).
As always, my prayers are with you and Ford.
Look at that HAIR! Go Ford!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great day we had!! Love, hugs and kisses to all...
ReplyDeleteA great day indeed, it was lovely t see mom and dad beaming from face and spirit. Thanks for sharing with us. Love you Ford!
ReplyDeleteFabulous photos! Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI think the staff just wanted to emphasize "Ford's" name on a special day. It is something I would do - meaning that I was really thinking esp. about "you!" :)
Nice of them to make a cake.
Great to see Ford - and he looks very bright even being fluid heavy and he does look long!
Big hands! Yup - love his hair also!
Thinking of all of you!
Indeed! Many thanks for the uplifting photos of such a blessed occasion!!! My heart is singing :) and I am smiling like a love-sick school girl!
ReplyDeleteMuch Love to you all, and to Corinne(it has surely been a great long while since I saw you last!)
Gotta pull out my ditto marks again here, lots of 'em, too many to count, so I'll just leave them to your imagination!!! (Yeah, those too.) Great blog! Pretty wild birthday party, too, for mid-week in a 3CU! All thanks, I'm sure, to your unerring sense of occasion, mom Christa & dad Nick, birthday boy Ford, astute and kindly nurses, bakers in the galley, bevy (oops, that's just for girls, I think; okay then, flock) of friends--and last-but-not-least, TWO grandmothers! What else could I possibly say but, "YAY!" (So I do, and loud too!) And as always, love & hugs. And just this once, hope the hangover hasn't been too rough....
ReplyDeleteHappy belated, Ford & family!!! x
ReplyDeleteThe plaid shirt is absolutely darling.