By the end of the week Ford was almost back to his cheery old self. We still hadn't got any smiles out of him but there was a definite twinkle in his eye on Friday as he enjoyed the relative comfort of his old CCCU routine.
They ended up delaying Ford's extubation until Saturday morning because an ominous x-ray showed his left lung was almost completely collapsed and swamped in fluid. Nobody was expecting a miraculous lung recovery, even though the transplant greatly reduced the compression that his old swollen heart had been applying to his airways, but it was still a little disheartening to hear that his left lung has slowly been getting worse since the operation and is now back to its dirty old tricks. So they decided to give him another day of rest and diruetics (to try and draw out some of the accumulated fluid) and then went ahead and pulled the tube. Ready or not!

Here he is sporting the mask, his soother, his pacing wires, and his new scars - our sweet little post-human steampunk

On Friday Christa and I were granted a meeting with the pathologists who will be dissecting Ford's old heart and analyzing it for the record books. Prompted by a family we met in Edmonton who's daughter had her transplant a few months ago I had asked around for the opportunity to see Ford's old heart after the transplant. I assumed it was a normal request and was surprised to learn that we were the only ones who've asked in recent years and no one could remember if there was any particular protocol that had to be observed. It took a few days, but eventually we got the green light. Since nothing is sacred to me, I'm going to share some of the photos we took so you can also have the chance to see what Ford's bum heart looks like.
Click the links below if you're not feeling squeamish or feint of heart, hehe:
Heart 1
Heart 2
Heart 3
Heart 4
I have to say the experience was a little underwhelming, but that's because I was anticipating some serious gore. I wasn't prepared for how small, tidy and compact it was. Still (and I suppose this goes without saying), holding Ford's heart in our hands was incredible and I will never forget the moment. We were given a pretty comprehensive anatomy lesson by the pathologist, who seemed thrilled to have the chance to walk us through this part of his job, and were able to see much of what was wrong with it, including some of the sutures and shunts from his previous surgeries. Amazing!
Ford continues to do really well. He seems to be adjusting to the Cpap and was apparently smiling and laughing for Christa this afternoon. It's amazing how quickly things are changing now, despite the trouble with his lungs.
Ford looks wonderful! Thanks for sharing the news and the pics. Fascinating photos and amazing to see both of you looking equally in awe while holding your son's heart in your hands.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing the Ford's recovery with us all!! Spent the whole day on the drive with your mom and Larry for Italian Day! Street closed to traffic...lots of rain though..but thought of you guys all day in your hood!
ReplyDeleteLove indeed. What a beautiful wee organ.
ReplyDeleteAnd another event of the weekend was Christa's first gig in over a year! I was honoured to be there at the Tranzac on Sat night as she played with Mike Liston. There were a lot of laughs and misty eyes at our table, and we couldn't tell she'd been away from the mic for so long. So good on mommy, it was so good to hear and see you do your thing!