Here's me watching the monitor instead of Ford. We have come to know him best as a series of wave forms, alarm chimes, and rapidly fluxuating biometric statistics. He is our little posthuman. This is about a day before his diaphragm operation.

Today he was extubated to a new breathing apparatus called the High-Flow Nasal Cannula. The staff is getting wise to his hate of the CPAP and decided to cut him some slack with this much less invasive device which he seems to tolerate very well. If he copes with this it should be the last kind of respiratory assitance he gets.

Here he is in Christa's arms. Post-op day 3. He was quite alert and even seemed happy.

Another happy face and a good look at the nasal cannula. We are pleased to finally be able to see so much of his face!

Intubated again, most likely pre-diaphragm-op... I think he's got Christa's mouth.


He's so beautiful! Such a gorgeous face.
ReplyDeleteThanks for writing the updates. We're out here listening and sending you our love.
It's lovely to see you all three together.
Fabulous to see so much of him, he looks decidedly more happy without cpap! Rudi is very excited to see the new pics as are we.
ReplyDeleteLove love, S
Love the singing picture! Such heartfelt howls :) Thank you for sharing the photos, so happy to see you three together!