Friday, November 27, 2009

No surgery today

The surgery was postponed. Ford is second on the list for tomorrow, so it should happen sometime in the afternoon. He remains stable - sedated and intubated.

Meanwhile, in what is more an attempt to boost troop morale by prompting a flood of supportive and encouraging comments than a vanity project, please enjoy a selection of drawings I've made of Ford over the last few months (unfortunately he is easiest to draw while sedated, so they are bit biased in that regard).


  1. Wow Nick. I remember looking over your shoulder when you were drawing in Edmonton and being deeply moved by your visual log of Ford and Christa ... what an act of love, to draw you son and wife so simply and beautifully. By witnessing and recording this way, I am sure you see detail and catch ephemeral moments in a way that no camera or worded description ever could. Thanks for sharing. We're hoping and loving from Ontario.

  2. Love and prayers for all,
    especially for our little one...
    Love Nana and Grandpa xoxoxo

  3. WOW - we are sure glad that you have picked your art career back up and completing your Masters Nick!
    What precious keepsakes to show Ford one day of all the scares he put u-2 through!!!!
    Patti :)


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