Saturday, January 2, 2010

happy new year

Nick ended up not going home for the week. he made it to the (what we neglected to consider insanely packed with crazy holiday travellers) airport, but there was a problem with the credit card that booked the ticket. David Foster Foundation (who pays for our accommodation and transportation - thanks Celine) booked the ticket directly, and as it was 5am in BC, we could not get ahold of our contact person to remedy the situation. Nick waited fruitlessly in several line ups before giving up and coming back to the hospital.

which is ok. when we booked his visit home, it was when we thought we'd be here for months. but this week we found out they're planning, as long as everything stays on current course, to send us home mid-january. so Nick's studio can wait until then and i didn't have to swing a week at the hospital on my own.

it also meant we got to spend new years together, the three of us and our dear friend Myia. after pulling his NJ out a few inches, Ford had a celebratory abdominal x-ray and us grown ups had root beer and watched fireworks outside our window.

Ford is scheduled to get a GJ tube (it was going to be a G tube, now we're back to going for a GJ) on thursday. after a few days to make sure that went well - they'll transfer us back to Children's Hospital in Vancouver.


happy new year!


  1. Happy New Year Ford and family! What a roller coaster ride. We are loving having you in T.O. I must admit, but what an exciting development that you likely get to go home early. Glad that the new hospital and staff inspired such great change. Love love, Rudi and family.

  2. Be well little Ford. A whole new year/world of greater health awaits you. Love, love, love...

  3. Happy New year to you all and what a cute little smile! Here is to more of that and some good belly laughs!


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