Your tactful and polite opinions of my work were also much appreciated. :)
Now onward with the real business of the day!
Ford escaped! Unbeknownst to the staff of 3M, Ford has been tunneling his way towards freedom with nothing more than his ridiculously sharp fingernails and a cleverly placed (and slightly racy) poster of his future wife, Adelaide (God knows where he got the idea from, it's not as if the Shawshank Redemption has been on TV every single day for the last 15 years). Despite a marked increase in the amount of debris they were discovering in his diapers no one raised the alarm and we were excited to discover today that our precocious child had dug straight down to the basement to where we park our car. Bravo Ford.
We quickly whisked him off to visit his great grandparents (who have been promising him amnesty for some time now) and spent the afternoon bouncing him on our knees and poking at his belly.

He looked a little scared at first. But I think he got the hang of it.

We only had a few hours to visit today and it was really amazing to get to take him to see his great grandparents. If the weather holds (health-wise) we will get to take him out for a few hours every day until he goes for his next surgery, which could really be only days away at this point. We are eager to enjoy some time out in the wider world and may come knocking on a door near you soon.
I think the adventure wiped him out, he's been sound asleep since we got back at 5:30 and it's 11:30 now... which has me worried for the night. I've got 5 hours of art critique to stand through tomorrow and the thought of doing that on less hours of sleep has me more than a little nervous.
Thats the way to do it, great job ! So much world to see for him and it is ALL interesting!