Monday, September 7, 2009

Let's put Ford on the back burner for a moment, he's sleeping right now anyway.

It was pointed out to me today that there are perhaps many more people reading the blog than those who have subscribed to it. While I will hold back the impulse to publicly shame you (and yet still manage to do it in a backhanded way), I will not hold back the impulse to drop some shameless self-promotion with the hopes that all of you (including those who prefer to remain in hiding) who live here in town, will be interested to hear:

I am participating in a group exhibition of local painters that opens tomorrow (Tuesday Sept. 8th) and runs through the week at UBC's Great Northern Way studio (555 Great Northern Way). There will be a reception for the show this Thursday (Sept. 10th) from 8-11 and I would encourage you all to come down and see the work. Hours of operation throughout the week are 2-6. If nothing else, please check out the show's link which has some samples of the work and details about the location.

Christa and I will hopefully both be in attendance, abandoning baby Ford to the highly trained care of my sister/nurse, Stephanie. We will no doubt be chewing ravenously at the crumbs of our once hopping social life, perhaps even overcompensating for its disappearance with excessive quantities of hard liquour and desperate, uncomfortably clingy platitudes for all our friends, before we retreat back to our room on the ward.

Who would want to miss that!?


  1. I wish I could be there to see your show and celebrate your accomplishments!! Good Luck I am sure there will be many attendees.

  2. Way to go Nick - glad you put this out there. Wish I could be there to see it - but thanks for the link.
    Have fun practicing your social skills out there in the "not always so real" world.

  3. Hey, I saw "The Dead 2" mentioned on Facebook late last night, but was too zoned to send well-wishes right away--so I'll just add to the e-clamour right now instead! Revel in the satisfaction of being able to show your work, Nick; and you and Christa both just revel in revelling (along with heaps of interest and accolades, of course) on Thursday evening. Maybe it's worth booking Stephanie for a full 12-hour shift, as there's no saying you two will be allowed back on ward right away if you're "walking under the influence...." Do you think Ford will want to drop by 555 GNW for a "sneak preview" while he's out on day pass: you know, to elbow his way throgh the press and be first to sign the guest book, steep himself in artworks outside the old familiar clinical context, that sort of thing? I'm too far away to be part of even the ordinary 2-to-6 crowd, let alone the previewers or Thursday-nighters, so thank you for the link. Time enough to contemplate surgeries after the run. I send love--and I think I even remembered to close all the parentheses I opened this time (c.f. last post, when I didn't.)

  4. bah! I wish I'd checked this a few days ago. Curse this sporadic internet connection. I hope it went spectacularly, I'm sure it did. It would have been so grand to see you both....soon, soon, soon.
    So much love to you and your little trucker, he really is adorable. That video in the other post is just scrumptious.


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