Tuesday, September 22, 2009

in brief

the surgery went well. my exhaustion keeps me from elaborating, but he is doing as well as could be expected post op. he has had some irregular rhythm since the surgery so is on a pace maker, but that is not uncommon and they expect he won't need it in a couple days. they're aiming to extubate tomorrow morning. wow.

understandably, he seems pretty uncomfortable, but they are keeping him sedated with morphine and midazolam. he otherwise has an array of lines and dainage tube, but he did come back with his sternum closed which is really great.

we are glad this day is over and he is safely on the other side of this procedure.

more later. good night.


  1. So relieved and proud of you and Ford. Thanks for posting and including a picture.

  2. Well, we celebrated this very important next step for Ford with a full bottle of Champagne. Whoo hoo -- when Ford is all grown up, you can tell him his grandparents got drunk when he passed through this terrible but good Glen step toward better life here....
    love, love, love

  3. Oh so relieved. So much strength on this side of the Glen Mr. Ford, we are so glad to hear how much perseverance you already have at such a tender age. Christa and Nick, we love you.

  4. We are full of hope and thanks! So wonderful to hear all went well. Our babe will soon feel so much better. Love and strength to all of you.
    Love Nana and Grandpa xoxoxo

  5. Breathe easier, little guy! I know I am. :)

    Love and hugs,
    m. & m.


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